Country Life, 'Pick of the Week'

8 December 2010

Country Life, 8th December 2010


"Pick of the week


Mention of Offer Waterman leads naturally to Jenna Burlingham, who was a director of the gallery until earlier this year. She left in the summer to set up her own gallery dealing in modern and contemporary British pictures, sculpture, ceramics, and furniture, with a price range from £50 to £20,000, in Kingsclere, Hampshire. Hungerford is known for antiques and Newbury for auctions and theatre, but she noticed a gap for a gallery in the area. Her opening show includes work by established favourites such as Craigie Aitchison, Mary Fedden, Elisabeth Frink, Barbara Hepworth, John Piper, Patrick Heron, and Julian Trevelyan.


In an upstairs gallery will be less expensive work by 20th-century and contemporary artists and craftsmen whose reputation has yet to grow. Among them are ceramics by Laurence McGowan and Andrew Hazelden, and prints by André Bicat, with new work by Madeleine Floyd, Jane Skingley and Liz Taunt."

December 21, 2010
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