Gallery News: Ten Years of the Gallery and New Plans

It was ten years ago this month that we first opened our doors in Kingsclere. After a decade, we have somewhat outgrown our current home so, in spring 2021, we will be moving to a much larger space in the village. Building work on the new gallery is underway and we can't wait to invite you to visit!

As with many events this year, we have agreed that it is best to delay our anniversary celebrations. Though this does mean that we can coincide them with the opening next year.

This grid highlights a few of our favourites from the first ten years.
Upper: Mary Fedden, Elisabeth Frink and Vanessa Bell;
Middle: Victor Pasmore, Ivon Hitchens and Gwyther Irwin;
Lower: Lawrence Gowing, Alan Caiger-Smith and Keith Vaughan. 

October 6, 2020
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