Robyn Denny, Untitled V, from Waddington Suite, 1968-9£ 1,250.00
Robyn Denny, I, from Thomas Suite, 1975£ 900.00
Robyn Denny, II, from Thomas Suite, 1975£ 900.00
Robyn Denny, III, from Thomas Suite, 1975£ 900.00
Robyn Denny, IV, from Thomas Suite, 1975£ 900.00
Robyn Denny, V, from Thomas Suite, 1975£ 900.00
Robyn Denny, VI, from Thomas Suite, 1975£ 900.00
Robyn Denny, I (Royal), from The Paradise Suite, 1969£ 1,350.00
Robyn Denny, II (Blue), from The Paramount Suite, 1969£ 1,450.00
Stanley Dorfman, Abstract (St Ives), from Porthia, 1955 circa£ 2,450.00
Roy Turner Durrant, A Package for a Pilgrim, 1976£ 1,500.00
John Eaves, Shapes Falling, 1968£ 1,450.00
Clifford Ellis, Variations on Six (Blue on Black), 1953£ 1,350.00
Anthony Eyton, Tuscan Landscape, 1990, circa£ 3,950.00
Paul Feiler, Orbis, 1968£ 1,150.00
Paul Feiler, Adytum S II, 1973£ 1,850.00
Brian Fielding, Rav 4, 1982 circa£ 2,650.00
Brian Fielding, Rav 3, 1981£ 1,250.00
Ray Finch, Small dark jug£ 160.00
Ray Finch, Small jug£ 120.00
Clifford Fishwick, Figure with an Upturned Boat, 1956£ 3,250.00
John Forrester, Stripes (St Ives), from Porthia, 1955 circa£ 1,950.00
Robert Frame, Landscape, 1959, circa£ 3,250.00
Mark Francis, Universe III, 2015£ 2,850.00
Mark Francis, Universe I, 2015£ 2,850.00
Mark Francis, Universe IV (Blue), 2015£ 2,850.00
Mark Francis, Universe II, 2015£ 2,850.00
Johnny Friedlaender, Untitled (Abstract), 1960s circa£ 950.00
Elisabeth Frink, Wild Boar, from Images, 1967£ 4,850.00
Elisabeth Frink, Bull, from Images, 1967£ 3,750.00
Elisabeth Frink, Horse's Head, 1970£ 2,500.00
Elisabeth Frink, Dog, from Images, 1967£ 3,200.00
Elisabeth Frink, Wood Pigeon, 1967£ 4,000.00
Elisabeth Frink, Guillemot, 1967£ 4,250.00
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: Tale of Sir Thopas, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Miller's Tale I, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Reeve's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Merchant's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Franklin's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Physician's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Prioress' Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Nun's Priest's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Second Nun's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Manciple's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Clerk's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: Prologue, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Miller's Tale II, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Summoner's Prologue, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Squire's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Pardoner's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Shipman's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale, 1971-2 Reserved
Elisabeth Frink, Owl, from Images, 1967£ 4,500.00
Terry Frost, Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries, 2003£ 4,650.00
Charles Gassner, Untitled, 1950s circa£ 500.00
Charles March Gere, Lago Maggiore, 1918£ 1,750.00
Charles March Gere, Early Morning, Tuscan Lake, 1926£ 2,650.00
Charles March Gere, Thun (Switzerland)£ 1,350.00
Charles March Gere, Horses by a Lake (Snowdonia), 1926£ 2,400.00
William Alfred Gibson, Quiet Waters, 1919£ 3,750.00
Robert Goodnough, One Two Three (Cobalt Blue), 1968£ 1,450.00
Robert Goodnough, One Two Three (Red and Blue), 1968£ 1,450.00
Alistair Grant, Eva's House, 1956£ 1,850.00
Peter Greenham, From the Calcina, September (Venice), 1991£ 1,450.00
Peter Greenham, Cottages at Bibury£ 3,350.00
Peter Greenham, Landscape, House in the Woods£ 3,500.00
Peter Greenham, Landscape near Vezelay, 1983£ 3,350.00
Peter Greenham, Two Children£ 3,850.00
Peter Greenham, Beach with Dark Sky£ 3,400.00
Peter Greenham, Beach Scene, Norfolk Coast£ 3,750.00
Peter Greenham, Savoy (The Alps)£ 3,950.00
Peter Greenham, Mont St. Michel I£ 3,250.00
Peter Greenham, Lake Annecy£ 3,750.00
Peter Greenham, Mundesley Beach, Norfolk£ 2,950.00
Peter Greenham, Playing on the Beach£ 3,150.00
Peter Greenham, Interior with a Seated Figure£ 2,950.00
Anthony Gross, Fishes, 1951£ 1,950.00
Anthony Gross, Sea Gulls and Soldiers, Dover, 1940£ 1,950.00
Anthony Gross, Winter Grasses, 1972 Reserved
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