Charles McCall 1907-1989
Born in 1907 in Edinburgh, Charles McCall ‘wanted to be an artist very early in life… my father would have none of it’. Nonetheless, in 1933 won a scholarship to the Edinburgh College of Art, where he studied under DM Sutherland and SJ Peploe. In 1938 had the unusual distinction of being made a Fellow of Edinburgh College of Art at the age of 31. Continued studies in Paris at the Academie Colarossi under Friesz and elsewhere on the Continent in 1937-38. On his return he began immediately exhibiting work at the RA and with the London Group. Held one man shows in Manchester, Dublin in 1951, New York in 1955, Montreal and Winnipeg. Elected NEAC in 1957. His work is represented in the Paisley Art Gallery, York Museum, Government Art Collection, City of London Corporation, Maidstone Museum, Usher Gallery and City of Edinburgh Collection.
McCall is a painter, mainly in oil, especially of small, intimate interiors, and street scenes in London and France. His work has a strong sense of colour, painterliness and an awareness of French influences such as Vuillard.