Nan Youngman 1906-1995


Nan Youngman was an artist and educationalist born in Maidstone Kent and trained at the Slade School of Art under Henry Tonks and Phillip Wilson Steer. Youngman's most important work is regarded as her studies of industrial landscape and townscapes, and those of the Norfolk coast.

Youngman was art adviser to Cambridgeshire and was also the originator of the Pictures for Schools Exhibitions, with a first show at the V&A in 1947. In the 1950s she travelled as lecturer in art education for the British Council to the West Indies, Malta and Ghana. She exhibited with the London Group, Royal Academy, and Leicester Galleries London. A solo retrospective exhibition was held at the Minories in Colchester in 1971 and Kettle's Yard Cambridge in 1987. Youngman was awarded the OBE in 1987. 


Public Galleries in Manchester, Newport and Cambridge hold examples of her work.